§ 13.04.005. Definitions.
§ 13.04.010. Department established.
§ 13.04.020. Water turnon—Application—Deposit.
§ 13.04.025. Rules and regulations generally.
§ 13.04.030. Water supplied, permits, and fees.
§ 13.04.031. Joint and several liability for payment.
§ 13.04.040. Maintenance responsibility by city—Ingress and egress.
§ 13.04.050. Liability of city.
§ 13.04.060. Water control restriction by city.
§ 13.04.070. Water supplied through registered meters.
§ 13.04.080. Meter failure—Rate determination—Calibration.
§ 13.04.090. Access to meters for examination and testing—Interfering prohibited.
§ 13.04.100. Obstruction of water access, storage—Penalty.
§ 13.04.110. Violation of restrictions, nonpayment of bill, water turnoff.
§ 13.04.120. Water pipes—Separate stopcocks—Crossing of adjoining premises.
§ 13.04.130. Turnoff and turnon requests and charges.
§ 13.04.140. Unauthorized water turnon—Water use—Penalty.
§ 13.04.150. Use of water for building or construction purposes.
§ 13.04.160. Suspension of certain water uses.
§ 13.04.170. One service pipe—Two or more consumers—Payment.
§ 13.04.180. Violation—Penalty.
§ 13.04.190. Unauthorized attachments to water main prohibited—One meter per unit.
§ 13.04.200. Water main extension—New subdivisions.
§ 13.04.210. Water main extension—Existing areas inside or outside city.
§ 13.04.220. Changing existing water service.