§ 13.04.030. Water supplied, permits, and fees.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Each application as described in Section 13.04.020 which will require the installation of a tap must be accompanied by the appropriate application fee.


    The fee for water main taps shall be as follows:


    For three-fourths tap and five-eighths-inch by three-fourths-inch meter: One thousand two hundred fifty dollars.


    For one-inch tap and meter: One thousand five hundred fifty dollars.


    For one and one-half-inch tap and meter: Two thousand three hundred forty dollars.


    For two-inch tap and meter: Three thousand nine hundred twenty-five dollars.


    For larger taps and meters, the fee will be based on the actual cost of materials, labor, and equipment furnished by or for the city, plus a ten percent charge for overhead required on the particular project.


    For water taps from the sixteen-inch main line, which shall be one-inch taps: One thousand five hundred eighty-nine dollars.


    The fee for each water main tap, as set forth in subsection B of this section, shall apply to each individual consumer unit and shall not be applicable to multiple users.

    (Ord. 563 §1, 1979; Ord. 541 §1(part), 1976: Ord. 498A §1(part), 1973: Ord. 498 §12(1)(part), 1970).

(Ord. No. 2016-001, § 4, 2-16-16)