§ 13.04.080. Meter failure—Rate determination—Calibration.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever any meter by reason of being out of repair or for any cause fails promptly to register the water passing through the same, the consumer shall be charged at the average rate for the preceding four months' usage. If no record of the previous four months' usage exists, it shall be the duty of the superintendent of the water department to estimate or determine so far as he can the amount of water consumed during the time such meter fails to operate, and the consumer shall pay the amount so estimated.


    The owner of any property served by a water meter which is one inch or larger in diameter, shall be responsible for having the water meter calibrated each twelve months. The calibration shall be performed by a certified meter maintenance person and a written certificate shall be prepared showing the results of such calibration, in duplicate, with a copy of the certificate to be submitted to the city clerk after each calibration. The owner of the property shall pay the costs of the meter calibration.

(Ord. 626 §1, 1984: Ord. 498 §6, 1970).