§ 10.20.010. Prohibited in alleys—Exception.
§ 10.20.020. Parallel and angle.
§ 10.20.030. For purposes of sale, washing, other similar purposes—Prohibited.
§ 10.20.040. Right-of-way on starting parked vehicle.
§ 10.20.050. Unattended vehicle—Generally.
§ 10.20.060. Unattended vehicle—Leaving keys.
§ 10.20.070. Bus stop, taxicab stand—Generally.
§ 10.20.080. Bus stop, taxicab stand—Parking vehicle within zone.
§ 10.20.090. Loading and unloading—Permits.
§ 10.20.100. Reserved spaces—Certain restrictions.
§ 10.20.110. Parking of tractors and trailers—Loading and unloading.
§ 10.20.120. Impoundment authority.
§ 10.20.130. No-parking area establishment.
§ 10.20.140. Certain places-Prohibited generally.
§ 10.20.150. No parking areas designated.
§ 10.20.160. Violations of Sections 10.20.010 through 10.20.150 and Section 10.20.210.
§ 10.20.170. 7th Street—Prohibited where—Signposting—Impounding—Penalty.
§ 10.20.180. Main Street—Prohibited where—Penalty.
§ 10.20.190. Mill Street—Prohibited where—Penalty.
§ 10.20.210. Restricted areas designated.
§ 10.20.220. West West Street—Restrictions.
§ 10.20.230. East West Street—Restrictions.
§ 10.20.240. Two-hour limit—Signposting.
§ 10.20.250. West Mulberry Street—Prohibited where—Penalty.
§ 10.20.270. Route 1 (State Street)—Prohibited where—Applicability of provisions—Penalty.
§ 10.20.290. Parking after snow accumulation prohibited.
§ 10.20.300. City impound area for towed vehicles designated.
§ 10.20.310. Unauthorized removal of towed vehicles from city impound area.
§ 10.20.320. Payment of impound fee, towing fee and fine.