§ 2.44.020. Residency requirements for employees.  

Latest version.
  • All city employees, except for municipal officers as provided for in Section 2.44.010, and except for certain police officers as provided for hereinafter, are permitted to reside outside of the city provided that all said employees must reside within the State of Illinois within thirty days of the date of hiring, and all employee residences must be located within twenty-five miles of the corporate limits of the city by the normal traveled route; in regard to police officers, all said police officers must maintain their residences within the State of Illinois and within sixty miles of the corporate limits of the city, except for the chief of police, who is required to maintain his residence within the State of Illinois and within the corporate limits of the city.

    (Ord. 838, 2006: Ord. 783, 2001: Ord. 715 (part), 1994: Ord. 598 § 1(part), 1982).

(Ord. No. 874, § 2, 6-7-10; Ord. No. 20150504-1, 5-4-15)