§ 13.08.010. Basic rates and charges for water service.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The rates, except for the special rates set forth in Section 13.08.020, for all water supplied through meters for customers inside the city limits shall be six dollars and twenty-five cents for each thousand gallons or portion thereof supplied during the billing period in excess of two thousand gallons per month, payable within such time following presentation of a bill as the city council may from time to time designate by resolution.


    Minimum billing will be eight dollars and fifty cents monthly for the first two thousand gallons per month.


    The rates and charges for water service shall be rendered monthly. The owner of the premises, the occupant thereof, and the user of the service shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for the service to such premises; and the service is furnished to the premises by the city only upon the condition that the owner of the premises, occupant and user of the services are jointly and severally liable therefor to the city.

    (Ord. 846, 2007: Ord. 790 (part), 2002: Ord. 735 (part), 1997: Ord. 691, 1991: Ord. 677, 1990: Ord. 644 (part), 1986: Ord. 634.5 § 1, 1985).

(Ord. 893, § 2, 8-5-12; Ord. No. 15-1210-2, § 2, 12-10-15; Ord. No. 2016-001, § 7, 2-16-16)