§ 9.44.030. Damage to property of another.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful to:


    Knowingly damage any property of another without his/her consent; or


    Recklessly by means of fire or explosive damage property of another; or


    Knowingly start a fire on the land of another without his/her consent; or


    Knowingly injure a domestic animal of another without his/her consent; or


    Knowingly deposit on the land or in the building of another, without his/her consent, any offensive material including but not limited to any stink bomb or any offensive-smelling compound and thereby intend to interfere with the use of another of the land or building; or


    Damage any property, other than property described in ILCS Ch. 720, Act 5, Section 20-1, with intent to defraud an insurer; or


    Knowingly shoot a firearm at any portion of a railroad train.

(Ord. 744 (part), 1998).