§ 9.60.030. Exceptions to Sections 9.60.010 and 9.60.020.  

Latest version.
  • Sections 9.60.010 and 9.60.020 above shall not apply:


    When the person is accompanied by his/her parent or legal guardian;


    When the person is accompanied by an adult authorized by his/her parent or legal guardian to take the parent's or legal guardian's place in accompanying the person for a designated period of time and purpose within a specified area;


    When the person is exercising First Amendment rights protected by the United States Constitution, such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of assembly, but only after first delivering to the chief of police or his designee a written communication, signed by the person and his/her parent or legal guardian, with their home address and telephone number and specifying when, where, and in what manner the person will be in a place and during hours when this section is applicable to said person in the exercise of a First Amendment right specified in such communication;


    In case of reasonable necessity for the person remaining in a public place but only after the person's parent or legal guardian has communicated to the chief of police or his designee the facts establishing the reasonable necessity relating to a specified public place at a designated time for a described purpose including points of origin and destination;


    When the person is on the sidewalk or property where the person resides, or on either side of or across the street from the place where the person resides and the adult owner or resident of that property has given permission for the person to be there;


    When the person is returning home by a direct route, without any unnecessary delay, detour or stop, from and within thirty minutes of the termination of a school activity or an activity of a religious or other voluntary association, or a place of public entertainment, such as a movie, play or sporting event, provided that if the event is not commercial in nature or does not have a fixed, publicly known time at which it will or does end, the sponsoring organization must register the event with the chief of police or his designee at least twenty-four hours in advance, informing the police department of the time that such event is scheduled to begin, the place at which it shall be held, the time at which it shall end, and the name of the sponsoring organization;


    When the person is legally employed and is, by a direct route without any unnecessary delay, detour or stop, traveling to or from such employment; or


    When the person is, with this consent of his/her parent or legal guardian, engaged in normal interstate or intrastate travel through the city.

(Ord. No. 890, § 1, 8-6-12)