§ 8.12.040. Abatement—Notice.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever any nuisance is found to exist or it comes to the attention of the police chief that there exists in the city any condition enumerated in this chapter and defined as a nuisance, the police chief shall forthwith give the person in charge or control of the property or any person whose duty it is to abate such nuisance, notice, served upon such person by a police officer of the city or by mailing such notice to his last known address, that such condition exists, and that he shall have seven days from the date of such service in which to remedy the same or the city shall cause the same to be remedied. In the event such owner, person in charge or control of the property, or other person whose duty it is to abate such nuisance cannot be located after reasonable inquiry, posting shall be sufficient notice. The notice shall state that unless such nuisance is so abated or removed by a specified date, the city will cause to be abated or removed, that the cost thereof will be charged to the owner, and that said cost shall be a lien upon the real property where the nuisance was abated or removed. Such notice shall also state that the failure of such owner to abate the nuisance as required by such notice shall be deemed an implied consent for the city to abate or remove such nuisance. Such implied consent shall be deemed to form a contract between such owner and the city. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the city from immediately proceeding with legal action without first giving such notice.

(Ord. 701 (part), 1992: Ord. 480 §4, 1968).