§ 8.12.010. Public nuisances declared.  

Latest version.
  • The following are declared to be public nuisances:


    Carcasses of Animals, Offal, Filth, Etc. Causing or suffering the carcass of any animal or any offal, filth or noisome substance to be collected or remain upon any premises or place to the prejudice of others;


    Offensive Premises. Suffering any premises where any animal is kept to become nauseous, foul or offensive to any neighborhood, family or person;


    Throwing Offensive Matter in Lakes, Springs, Etc. Throwing or depositing any offal or other offensive matter or the carcass of any animal in any watercourse, lake, pond, spring, well or street, alley, public highway or park;


    Offensive or Injurious Cellars, Vaults, Privies, Etc. Suffering any cellar, vault, drain, privy, yard or premises to become, from any cause, foul or offensive or injurious to public health;


    Putrid Animal or Vegetable Matter. Depositing or permitting to remain upon any premises, or public street or alley, slops, animal or vegetable matter of any kind which is, or is likely to become putrid, or offensive;


    Foul or Stagnant Water. Permitting foul or stagnant water to stand upon any premises to the prejudice of others;


    Noxious Weeds. Permitting the growth upon any premises of any noxious weeds such as jimson, burdock, ragweeds, thistles, cockleburs and like weeds;


    Location of Stables, Pigsties or Privies. Locating or maintaining a stable, pigsty or privy within fifteen feet of any public street or within twenty-five feet of any residence;


    Slaughterhouse, Packing Houses, Etc. Locating or maintaining at any place within the city, or within a radius of one mile without the city, any slaughterhouse, packing house, rendering establishment or bone factory, or suffering or permitting any premises at any place within the limits aforesaid used for any of the purposes aforesaid to become foul or offensive;


    Storage of Explosives. Establishing any powder magazine or storing any gunpowder, dynamite or other explosive substance within twenty rods of any building occupied for business or residence purposes; provided, however, that not to exceed fifty kegs of powder and not to exceed one hundred pounds of dynamite, such dynamite to be not stronger than forty percent nitroglycerine, may be stored in iron canisters to be mounted on rollers and kept outside of buildings;


    Encroaching Upon or Obstructing Streets, Alleys, Etc. Encroaching upon or obstructing any street, alley or public ground with any building, fence or structure of any kind;


    Keeping Hogs or Pigs within Five Hundred Feet of Residences-Permit Required. It is a public nuisance to keep or maintain hogs or pigs within five hundred feet of any residence building in the city unless a written permit is first obtained from the director of health authorizing the same. It shall be the duty of the director of health, when any application is made for a permit to keep or maintain hogs or pigs, to investigate and ascertain whether the place in which they are proposed to be kept is sanitary and not injurious to the general health, and his decision in this matter shall be final; and provided further, that for each permit granted by the health commissioner, a fee of fifty cents shall be collected from the person obtaining the same;


    Obstructing View at Street Intersections. It is a public nuisance to construct or maintain any sign, earth embankment, fence, hedge, tree or shrub obstructing a clear view at any corner of a road or street intersection between points twenty feet back from the intersection of the roadways, and to the corner thereof, and four feet above the crown of each intersecting roadway;


    Pets and Animals. Keeping any animal, bird or fowl, including pets of any kind, which cause frequent or long-continued noise or which create odors or unsightly appearance of surroundings which disturb the comfort of any person in the vicinity;


    Use of Vehicle. Using any automobile, motorcycle, or other motor-powered vehicle which does not have a muffler or which has a faulty or otherwise insufficient muffler, or which is so out of repair as to cause loud and unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling or other noise which shall unduly disturb persons in the surrounding vicinity;


    Horses on Sidewalk. Riding a horse on any public sidewalk;


    Weeds, Grass, and Other Plants. Permitting any grass or plants, other than trees, bushes, flowers, or other ornamental plants, to grow to a height exceeding eight inches anywhere in the city;


    Noise. Causing or permitting loud, excessive, frequent or continuous noise which causes discomfort or irritation to persons in the vicinity;


    Industrial Fallout, Odors. Causing or permitting the emission of any industrial fallout or odors which are offensive to persons or damaging to property or persons in the area;


    Outdoor Toilet. Building or moving any outdoor closet, toilet or privy;


    Excavation. Making or permitting the continuance of any excavation which may constitute a hazard to any child or other person, unless red lights are placed around such excavation and maintained in an operable condition during all nighttime hours, and further, unless a fence or other suitable barricade is placed around the excavation at all times;


    Derelict Vehicles. Causing any type of motorized conveyance which is abandoned by its owner, not currently licensed for operation, or is not in an operable condition to remain on any property, public or private, except in a salvage yard licensed by the state of Illinois, or when kept inside of a garage, except that any derelict motor vehicle, whether inside a garage or not, which is identified as being a rodent harborage shall be subject to removal from the property;


    Rubbish. Depositing or allowing to collect or accumulate in a residential community any discarded paper, cardboard, tin cans, yard clippings, glass, bedding, crockery, metals and similar materials, discarded lumber, building material, rubble or any other material on any property, public or private, except that these materials may be disposed of in any location approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency or the health administrator of the village.

(Ord. 757, 1999; Ord. 703, 1992; Ord. 701 (part), 1992; Ord. 480 §1, 1968).