§ 5.36.030. Issuance of license—Maintenance of register—Issuance and use of sticker.  

Latest version.
  • All licenses provided for in this chapter shall be issued by the mayor and countersigned by the city clerk. The city clerk shall keep a register of the issuance of all such licenses, which register shall show the name and address of the person owning or operating the facility or place within which the billiard table, pool table or any variation thereof is located; the name and address of the owner of the billiard table, pool table or any variation thereof; and the number of the license issued for each such billiard table, pool table or variation thereof. The city clerk shall also have prepared numbered stickers or labels and shall maintain a permanent record of such stickers or labels. Upon issuance of a license, the city clerk shall also issue a numbered sticker which shall be affixed to the billiard table, pool table, or variation thereof for which the license has been issued. Upon the issuance of such license and sticker, the city clerk shall submit proof thereof to the police chief of the city for purposes of enforcing the ordinance codified in this chapter. Licenses and stickers shall not be transferable from one amusement object to an-other.

(Ord. 597 (part), 1982).