§ 5.12.150. Greasing pits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every greasing pit installed in a building or enclosed by three or more walls shall be ventilated by a vent duct not less than six inches in diameter (or equivalent cross-section area if a noncircular duct is used). Duct shall start within four inches of the floor and shall extend on an upward diagonal or by an easy bend over to sidewall, thence straight up through roof to a height sufficient to draw off gasoline vapors which may accumulate at bottom of pit. Abrupt bends must be avoided and all joints must be tight. Floor of pit should pitch slightly toward corner where duct is located to facilitate flow of gases to duct.


    Gasoline or naphtha shall never be used to clean out any pit whether pit is located in a building or enclosure or outside in the open.


    No sewer connection shall be permitted from any greasing pit.


    If electrically lighted, globes shall be of vaporproof construction and wiring shall be in conduit.

(Ord. 419 §12, 1961).