§ 15.04.010. Requirements—Specifications generally.
§ 15.04.020. Building permit—Fee schedule.
§ 15.04.030. Foundation walls—Specifications.
§ 15.04.040. Board lumber.
§ 15.04.050. Support beam piers.
§ 15.04.060. Concrete footings—Foundations.
§ 15.04.070. Studs and plates.
§ 15.04.080. Floor joists—Specifications.
§ 15.04.090. Floor joists—Size and spacing—Span.
§ 15.04.100. Footings—Minimum requirements.
§ 15.04.110. Walls-Specifications.
§ 15.04.120. Headers-Maximum span.
§ 15.04.130. Boxing and sheathing required.
§ 15.04.140. Roofing, guttering and downspout.
§ 15.04.150. Dwelling—Area requirements.
§ 15.04.160. Ceiling joists—Size and spacing—Span.
§ 15.04.170. Rafters—Size and spacing—Span.
§ 15.04.180. Access openings to attic—Vents required.
§ 15.04.190. Electric wiring standards.
§ 15.04.200. Gas-burning appliance—Flues.
§ 15.04.210. Gas heating appliance—Vents.
§ 15.04.220. Plumbing-Compliance with state code.
§ 15.04.230. Multiple dwelling partitions.
§ 15.04.240. Setback lines, fences, walls and hedges.
§ 15.04.250. Parking regulations.
§ 15.04.260. Off-street parking requirements.
§ 15.04.270. Building permit.
§ 15.04.280. Building inspector.
§ 15.04.290. Action to abate violations.
§ 15.04.300. Penalty.
§ 15.04.310. Board of appeals-Creation and membership.
§ 15.04.320. Board or appeals-Meetings, proceedings and records.
§ 15.04.330. Board of appeals—Jurisdiction.
§ 15.04.340. Appeal and review.