§ 13.16.290. Classes of permits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    There shall be two classes of building sewer permits:


    For residential and commercial service; and


    For service to establishments producing industrial wastes.


    In either case, the owner or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the city. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the superintendent. A permit and inspection fee of no charge for a residential or commercial building sewer permit shall be paid to the city at the time the application is filed. The industry, as a condition of permit authorization, must provide information describing its wastewater constituents, characteristics, and type of activities. Upon approval of the application by said superintendent, the city clerk shall issue such permit. If such permit is not issued, the fee paid by the applicant shall be refunded to the applicant.


    For any new construction tributary to the combined sewer system, a building permit will only be issued if it can be demonstrated that inflow contributions to the combined sewer system will be minimized and/or delayed, such that the maximum inflow after construction will not exceed the inflow contribution before construction for up to a ten-year storm event.


    For any new connection tributary to the combined sewer, the permit issued under this section shall require a separate building sewer connected to the combined sewer that conveys only sanitary sewage.

(Ord. 831 (part), 2006: Ord. 665 Art. IV, §3, 1988).