§ 13.08.030. Bills, delinquencies, and termination.  

Latest version.
  • Bills for water service shall be deemed delinquent if not paid within fifteen calendar days following the billing date. Said billing date shall be clearly printed upon each bill. All bills which become delinquent shall incur a delinquent charge of ten percent of the total bill. If the total amount due, including any delinquency charges, is not paid in full within twenty calendar days following the billing date, water service will automatically be terminated for nonpayment, and a nonpayment fee of forty dollars shall be assessed.

    (Ord. 693 (part), 1992: Ord. 641 (part), 1985: Ord. 541 §1(part), 1976: Ord. 498A §1(part), 1973: Ord. 498 §10, 1970).

(Ord. No. 2016-001, § 15, 2-16-16)