§ 10.12.010. Maximum speed limits—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • The maximum speed limit of twenty-five miles per hour is established for all traffic moving upon any street in the city limits with the exception of North Seminary Street, that part which lies between the intersection of North Seminary Street and Mill Street and the intersection of North Seminary Street with Perrysville Avenue and Perrysville Avenue from East 10th Street to Church Street; such speed limit to be ten miles per hour; and with the exception of North Main Street and South Main Street which comprise Illinois State Route No. 1; and with the exception of Mill Street from Seminary Street, east to the corporate line on Mill Street, said limits at the two latter excepted locations to be provided by general ordinances or statutes of the city or state; and with the exception of W. West Street, that part which lies between the western boundary of the city of Georgetown and its intersection with Main Street, such speed limit shall be fifteen miles per hour for all vehicles having a gross weight, including the weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicle and its load, in excess of eight tons.

(Ord. 823, 2004: Ord. 797 §1, 2002: Ord. 672 (part) 1990: Ord. 509 §1, 1971; Ord. 335 §1, 1975).